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Confident Living Program

Woodwork ClassThe Confident Living Program provides leisure and recreation programs for seniors and younger people who are blind and vision impaired. It aims to provide an opportunity for clients to communicate and establish connections and social relationships and to maintain and increase their independence, confidence and wellness.

Prolonged inability to access appropriate day time support and services for people with vision impairment and blindness is likely to have devastating affect, not only to the person with the disability, but also to their families.

Loss of confidence is a common and major consequence of vision loss. Despite relatively goodhealth, many people lose confidence in their ability to move around the community and stop participating in many previously valued past times. The Association's Recreation service aims to give people who are blind or vision impaired, of all ages, opportunities to participate in and have access to a wide range of sport and recreation programs.

Client in First Click classLeisure program

Leisure programs currently offered include discussion groups, conversational Italian, creative writing, spinning, sewing, ceramics, pottery, woodwork, basket weaving and various crafts. First and Second Click, computer classes provide skills and new ways to communicate via email with family and friends, and internet banking.   

Clients also enjoy a range of community outings to restaurant, museums, art galleries and markets.

Man in Pottery studioRecreation program

Sport and recreation programs play an important role in building confidence and self esteem. They also play a critical role in achieving health and rehabilitation outcomes. Through our Recreation program, we offer a wide range of recreation and sporting opportunities for people of all ages.

Health and fitness are high on the agenda. The Association, in collaboration with TAFE Thornlie, offer our clients specialised and (where possible) one-on-one training under the supervision of final year Certificate III Health and Fitness students and Association for the Blind  volunteer gym assistants. Individualised fitness programs and gym circuits incorporating cross training principles (such as body balance and boxercise) are all part of the weekly program.

Client using Gym equipment

The Recreation Department’s renewed focus on client wellness and the maintenance of mobility and physical activity skills includes Yoga and Tai Chi/Aikido programs.

The Association’s tenpin bowling program continues to go from strength to strength. August 2005 saw the Association for the Blind of WA State Tenpin Bowling victorious.

The VIP (Vision Impaired Persons) Tenpin Bowling Club welcomes any interested recreational/social bowlers, and the VB’s (Vision Impaired and Blind) Tenpin Bowling League welcomes any league level bowlers as well as bowlers with State and National level competitive aspirations.

Junior Blind Golf Academy

The Association’s Junior Blind Golf Academy provides ongoing opportunities for young people to participate in regular golfing programs and competitions.

Other sporting opportunities

The Association offers support to other programs run by autonomous blind sporting groups by means of coordination of special events, recruitment, media exposure and assistance with administration, volunteer training and transport.  Examples include the WA Blind Golf Association and the Westerners Blind Golf Club, the WA Blind Bowling Association, Sailing for the Blind Inc. Western Australia, the WA Tandem Advisory Council and the WA Cricket Council for the Blind, details below:

Tenpin Bowling (VIP Tenpin Bowling Club)

The VIP (Vision Impaired Persons) tenpin bowling club bowls at Fairlanes City Bowl, Adelaide Terrace Perth from 1 to 3pm every Monday.  All bowlers are welcome, regardless of age, eyesight, level of fitness, prior bowling experience or competitive aspirations! Beginners and social bowlers can build on the basics in a fun, friendly atmosphere while those with competitive aspirations are welcome to participate in annual calendar events with possible overseas travel.

Please contact VIP tenpin bowling club President Mr Steve Groves on 9498 2002 or 0417 915 847.

Ten pin bowling

Lawn Bowls (WA Blind Bowling Association)

Lawn bowls for people who are blind or vision impaired is played each Wednesday from 9.30am to 12noon, at the Perth and Tattersals Bowling Club, Plain Street East Perth.  Come and learn the basics of the game in a friendly atmosphere.  For those with a competitive flair, there is an annual calendar of events including National and International competitions.

Please contact WABBA President Sharon Ferres on 9447 6207 or email [email protected]

Westerners Golf

Come and join in a recreational game of golf at the Lake Claremont Golf Club, Davies Road Claremont on Fridays from 9.30am to 1pm.  There are also many challenges for the more serious golfers who can improve their game (and their average!) in the hope of competing in events such as the annual Australian Blind Golf Open.  Contact WA Blind Golf Association President Herb Lane or Secretary Rae Lane on 9349 0128.

Tandem Cycling (WA Tandem Cycling Advisory Council)

The WA Tandem Cycling Advisory Council (WATCAC) recently celebrated 30 successful years with an anniversary ride from Victoria Park to the City of Perth Council House and back, retracing the exact path of the original ride!  We were also honoured to have several inaugural riders riding in this event. Tandem cycling offers something for everyone, from recreational road rides to indoor track competition.  Track cycling is held at the Midvale Speed Dome, Eddie Barron Drive, mainly on Sundays. Introductory clinics and events are often run free of charge. To enjoy a great sport with a friend contact

WATCAC President Adriana Lepore on 9276 9018 or email [email protected]


There are vacancies for our Hatha Yoga course at 1pm on Friday afternoons.  Beginners with no prior knowledge of yoga are most welcome!  For those who are less agile, the instructors Laurie and Marian assure you that these problems can be worked around! There is a method of chair yoga for those confined to a sitting position!  Yoga has relaxing and therapeutic qualities for your body and mind and you will enjoy the friendly atmosphere. 

Please contact Recreation Officer Michael Pereira on 9311 8202

Sailing for the Blind

Sailing for the Blind Inc. Western Australia offers opportunities for people who are blind or vision impaired with an interest in the sport. No prior experience is required. You may sail for leisure or have aspirations of racing and competing.  In the interest of safety, it is recommended that entrants are aged 15 years plus and are in suitable physical condition.  The boat is penned at the South of Perth Yacht Club, Coffee Point Applecross.  Days and times of sails vary depending on demand. Enrolments are welcome throughout the year. 

Please contact the Sailing for the Blind Inc. WA Secretary on 9593 0361 or 9474 3242.

Blind Cricket

The Western Australian Blind Cricket Club invites men, women, boys and girls to try this exciting sport!  Blind cricket is similar to normal cricket but is played with a white plastic ball that is softer than a normal cricket ball so no one gets hurt!  Also, all fielding and bowling is done under-arm. Vision impaired players cannot be caught out and only one person bats at a time, so there are no collisions when running!

Season commences October and ends the following March. Training and Matches are held at Sherne Park, corner Central Avenue and Carrington Street Maylands (close to bus & train).  Specialist training is held on Tuesdays from 4.30pm to 6.00pm, while matches are played on Sundays from 12.30pm to 6.00pm. 

Contact Michael Pereira on 9311 8202

Puppy Club Guide Dog Shop