Guide Dog Puppy ClubBecome a Member of a very special clubGuide Dog Puppy Club Members help cover the cost of the puppies’ breeding, veterinary care, feeding, Puppy Raising and ongoing assessment. As a member, you’ll get to know the puppies by name and you’ll have the privilege of watching them grow from playful puppies into magnificent, intelligent Guide Dogs. The opportunity exists for all members of the community to become involved in this wonderful program. Join the Guide Dog Puppy Club today - you can help change the life of someone who is blind or vision impaired by helping to give them the gift of a Guide Dog. Why would you want to become involved?• It costs over $25,000 to train each and every Guide Dog. How to become involvedIf you would like to make a difference, then the Guide Dog Puppy Club is the way to do it. You can join as an individual or family and monitor the progress of the Guide Dog Program. If you fundraise at work or school, you can join the Guide Dog Puppy Club as a group. There are many ways that your group can rally together and play your part in sponsoring a West Australian Guide Dog. Many groups raise their money to become members by simply holding a casual dress day - can’t get much easier than that! Anyone can join the Guide Dog Puppy Club, whether it is as a group or as an individual. The rewards remain the same - you can get the satisfaction of knowing that you are playing a vital role in sponsoring a West Australian Guide Dog. How much does it cost? Corporate Level Sponsorship: $200 monthly or $2400 annually Join the Guide Dog Puppy now !Donations made to the Association for the Blind of WA for Guide Dogs and other services are fully tax deductible. A formal receipt will be issued promptly. For more information about sponsorship opportunities with Guide Dogs please call the Community Relations team on (08) 9311 8202. |