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Optical Illustions

Rubin’s Vase                                            





Rubin’s Vase

Can you see the vase or do your Eyes see two faces looking at each other?

Hermann grid






Hermann grid

Can you see the black dots flashing? Try and stare at one and stop it from moving


KAnizsa triangle






KAnizsa triangle

Can you see the equilateral triangle? Actually there is not one drawn.


The Sander illusion



The Sander illusion

Which of these lines is longer?
Now measurehem with your ruler and see whether you are right or not…..


The Ponzo illusion





The Ponzo illusion

Which of the two yellow lines is the longest?
Now measure them with your ruler and see if you were right.


Wundt illusion



Wundt illusion

Are these lines really bent or are they straight?

Images Wikipedia Public Domain

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© 2007 Association for the Blind of Western Australia