Guidedog Puppies
Logo of Association for the Blind of Western Australia

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Guide Dogs
Vision Loss Resources
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Kids' Corner

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~ Guide Dogs

~ The Senses

~ Assistive Technologies

~ Braille

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Kids' Corner Puppy Raising

Each puppy is placed with people (_________ _______ _______ ___________)                       chosen for their ability to    ________    for the puppy. Known as "____________ ___________”, these families teach the puppy basic skills such as ___________ _____________, ______________ on command and ____________ correctly on a leash.
The Guide Dog Puppy Club logo__________________ is one of the most __________ parts of ________________ given to the puppy by its____________ ____________. This involves taking it to__________ ___________, railway stations, city centres and a range of other places it is likely to encounter during its ____________ and subsequent work as a___________ ____________.

What can you do to be involved in “puppy training”?

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© 2007 Association for the Blind of Western Australia