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Dr Arnold Charles Cook

"Quick Quiz"


1)         Dr Cook was born in England

a) True
b) False


2)         Dr Cook suffered from Retinitis Pigmentosa

a) True
b) False


3)         Dr Cook's first guide dog was called Dreena

a) True
b) False


4)         The first Guide Dog Training Centre in Western Australia began in 1952

a) True
b) False


5)         The first 2 dogs to be trained at the Centre were called Beau and Blacky

a) True
b) False


6)         Dr Cook owned 4 guide dogs during his life

a) True
b) False


7)         A statue of Dr Cook and his beloved dog Dreena stands in Kings Park in memory and recognition of Dr Cook's life and work

a) True
b) False


8)         Dr Cook founded the Research Foundation for Retinitis Pigmentosa.

a) True
b) False


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