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Vision Management

Client service at homeMost of the Association’s clients still have some degree of remaining vision and many of our services are directed toward maximising our clients remaining vision.  This is certainly the case at our Vision Management Centre, where we specialise in the assessment of vision and the prescription of optical aids including magnifiers and telescopes.

More than 1,200 new clients receive services at the Association’s Vision Management Centre each year where optometrists and orthoptists provide specialist services.

Key aspects of the service include:

  • advice about the impact and treatment of a range of eye conditions and diseases;
  • access to the most effective optical aids and advice on their use; and
  • advice on adapting and improving lighting to make better use of existing sight.

The process of obtaining an optical aid to maximise remaining vision is similar to that involved in obtaining a pair of prescription glasses.

Home-based programs

Practical support and assistance enables many clients to remain living independently in their homes. Occupational therapists, social workers and orientation and mobility instructors, visit clients in their homes to provide services, aids and equipment. 

Vision Mangement Client
Self Management Group Program

For several years, the Association has been actively developing the Self Management Group Program, which involves the delivery of independent living skills utilising a group model.  Whilst the effectiveness of individual programs has been clearly established, research indicates that peer support groups for seniors with age-related vision loss provide a supportive environment which can facilitate the achievement of rehabilitation outcomes.

The Self Management Group Program draws upon the knowledge and skills of several disciplines, primarily occupational therapy, orientation and mobility, social work and information management.  Key aspects of the program include:

•    up to eight adults in each group; and
•    each group meets for eight sessions over eight weeks to participate in skills training focused on general confidence and independence.

From the outcomes of this research, the Association will further refine its service development strategies and ensure that the services we provide are delivered in the most effective and efficient manner.

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