External Links ResourcesAdvocary and consumer groupsAccessible Cinema This site provides information on audio description and captioning in Australian cinemas, including cinema locations and times. Audio description is where the important visual information is presented in an audio format, such as scenery or sight gags. Blind Citizens Australia The peak consumer body representing people who are blind and vision impaired people. Council on the Ageing (WA) Provides a range of services to Seniors in Western Australia, including insurance and computer training Glaucoma Support Group of WA Meets bi-monthly and provides peer support for people who have glaucoma. Information Centre for the Blind The author of its site, Peter Jones, has gathered information relevant to people who are blind, their carers and families, as well as contacts for many relevant organisations. Macular Degeneration Foundation Australia Information regarding this most common cause of age-related vision loss. Audio Description Website This site provides a comprehensive view on what is happening in relation to access to media, such as cinema, TV, new media and more, for people who are blind or vision impaired, both in Australia and internationally. It is hosted by Media Access Australia VizHelp A support group in Western Australia for parents of children and young people who are blind or vision impaired, run by parents WA agencies providing services to people who are blind or vision impaired Information Radio 990 RPH Provides access to information for West Australians with a print disability. Lions Eye Institute Provides research and education into prevention of sight loss. Retinitis Pigmentosa Foundation WA A website providing information and resources for the eye condition Retinitis Pigmentosa Relevant WA Government agenciesDisability Services Commission The WA Government authority for issues related to disability. Lotterywest Provides significant funding to the disability and non-profit sector in Western Australia. Suppliers of equipment for daily living
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