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The Association aims to ensure that people who are blind or vision impaired receive a personalised, prompt and effective response. They should be informed about what the Association can offer and should be in a position to make informed decisions about which services they wish to utilise.   Our processes have been designed to ensure that this happens from the point of initial contact and for as long as contact continues. 

Since 1913, the Association for the Blind of WA has been providing a wide range of services to Western Australians who are blind or vision impaired.  Our professional team offers specialist skills, training and advice to help people with vision loss to regain confidence and achieve fulfilled and independent lives. 

Each year, more than 3,500 people take advantage of services which include:

  • The Braille and Talking Book Library produces Braille and audio copies of books, textbooks and material in Braille or audio formats.
  • Orientation and Mobility instructors teach people to move around safely and independently.  They may use white canes, Guide Dogs or electronic equipment.
  • Social Workers and Field Officers offer assistance with the emotional and practical aspects of vision loss.
  • Occupational Therapists give support and training in daily living skills - ranging from household management to personal care. 
  • Training and support in a wide range of leisure and recreation pursuits (from handcraft to sport).
  • The Vision Management Centre helps to make the most of remaining vision with the use of special optical and non-optical aids.
  • The Children and Family Services team helps children to develop physical coordination, social and daily living skills, and provides support for families.
  • Peer support programs put people in touch with others for advice and support.
  • Technology training in computing, keyboard skills, Braille and the latest communications equipment.  Technical advice is offered to people entering the workforce who need special equipment.
  • Employment, advocacy and support services help people who are vision impaired to obtain jobs and succeed in the open workforce.

Services are provided from the main office in Victoria Park and from regional offices in Bunbury, Geraldton, Mandurah and Albany.  Regular visits are undertaken to rural areas throughout the State including the Kimberley and Esperance regions.

For a comprehensive outline of all the services available from the Association for the Blind of WA Guide Dogs WA, You can download a copy of our Services Booklet from the following link:
Link to our Services Booklet September 2009

To access our services please contact the Duty Officer on 9311 8202.

Puppy Club Guide Dog Shop