Guidedog Puppies
Logo of Association for the Blind of Western Australia

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Guide Dogs
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Kids' Corner

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~ Disability in Society

~ Guide Dogs

~ The Senses

~ Assistive Technologies

~ Braille

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The Big Test  

Puppy Selection Test

Which of the following criteria do you think a puppy must meet in order to be considered for guide dog training?

Puppies selected for Guide Dog Training must;

be recommended by a reputable breeder
be the right colour
be able to sleep outside
have a good temperament
be able to defend its owner from strangers
be well behaved in all situations
be cuddly
be healthy and not have any ongoing health issues
have a good appetite
be generally willing to please a handler
have a loud bark so its owner can find it to put on a harness


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© 2007 Association for the Blind of Western Australia