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Making a Bequest

Bequests are vital to the Association's ongoing capacity to provide guide dogs and other services. We rely on these very personal and significant contributions to ensure the continuance of our work. We suggest that a solicitor or legal adviser be consulted when a lifetime gift of this kind is being considered so that your valuable legacy is not lost or delayed due to incorrect wording.

We Suggest the following wording for a specific legacy:

"I GIVE AND BEQUEATH ..... to the ASSOCIATION FOR THE BLIND OF WA (INC), of 61 Kitchener Avenue Victoria Park in the state of Western Australia and I DIRECT that the receipt of the Honorary Treasurer and other proper officer for the time being of the Association shall be a good and sufficient discharge to my trustee/s for such a bequest."

For a residuary bequest, we suggest

I GIVE, DEVISE AND BEQUEATH all the rest, residual and remainder of my real and personal property whatsoever or wheresoever situated to the ASSOCIATION FOR THE BLIND OF WA (INC) of 61 Kitchener Avenue Victoria Parkria Park in the state of Western Australia and I DIRECT that the receipt of the Honorary Treasurer and other proper officer for the time being of the Association shall be a good and sufficient discharge to my trustee/s for such a bequest."

For further information about making a donation or bequest please contact the Association.

Puppy Club Guide Dog Shop